Thursday, 24 February 2011

And while I'm away I'll write home every day

The day for goodbyes is almost here, tomorrow 17:20 its takeoff and a 17.5 half hour flights will take me direction South Korea. The packing panic has struck, and I'm either packing too little or too much. At the moment it is more leaning towards the last one..

I have my passport (with the precious Korean visa) and the Lonely Planet of course. 
 Sunglasses and wedges are packed and ready to be used
 Now it remains to be seen if I'll make the 25 kg limit
Well next time I'm in front of my computer I'll be in Seoul city. So goodbye for now or  annyeonghi gyeseyo which is goodbye in Korean according to my dear friend google translate. Now a last romantic dinner at Lust with my sweet Roland which I'll have to say goodbye to until 22nd of April. 


  1. Jag postade en comment men jag vene om det funkade jag och bloggar.. så här kommer dewt igen om du har fått den annars för första gånegn!
    Flyg försiktigt!!! jag är redan en trogen läsare här hemma i svärje LOVE YOOU!!!!

    MAssa pussar och kramar! Zorro säger hej!

  2. packningen ser fantastisk ut det här blir bra,,pussar från mamma
